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Are You Being Falsely Set Up On Domestic Violence Charges?

May 19, 2017 – admin – Domestic Violence

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

If you are in a volatile marriage or intimate relationship — or even if you aren’t but suspect that your partner is capable of falsely accusing you of domestic violence — you need to be proactive about the situation.

Being accused of and charged with domestic violence is very serious. Your reputation, your right to bear arms, your access to your home and the custody of your children and possibly even your continued employment could all be in jeopardy due to the false allegations levied against you.

As soon as you suspect things are heading south, take action. You should consult with a Colorado criminal defense attorney and give them the heads up about your situation. That way, if you wind up arrested, you can call your attorney immediately.

Some other important things to do include:

— Gather legal documents to which you will no longer have access once a restraining order is in place.

— Have an emergency place to stay on short notice, e.g., a friend, relative or co-worker’s extra bedroom or couch.

— Remove your firearms from your home and store them at a friend’s until this blows over.

— Don’t allow your partner to bait you into arguments or escalating violence. At the first sign of trouble, leave and don’t return. Make your own police report.

— Deposit money into a separate checking account in only your name so you don’t wind up broke.

— Change all of your passwords. Do this on cellphones, computers and online accounts.

— Disengage external hard drives and storage devices and remove them from the house.

— If things are rocky with your partner, don’t have sex with him or her, as this could be misconstrued as rape.

— Don’t play rough with the kids or raise your voice.

— Don’t admit to or apologize for any actions.

— Don’t commit your feelings to writing or discuss any violent or suicidal ideations you may have.

— If the two of you must meet to do custody exchanges, insist on it being done in a public place and bring someone with you as a witness.

You have the right to live a peaceful, non-violent life with your children. You may wind up having to be the one to get a restraining order against a violent, abusive spouse or partner.

Source:, “What Should I Do if I Think my Partner is Going to Make a False Accusation?,” accessed May 19, 2017

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